So do we clean up the house or start school work? Do we take a bath or do school work? Do I make dinner or teach spelling? Do we get some groceries or do that messy science experiment? What about the field trip--do we spend all that time going or do we take the time at home catching up? Can I make that phone call or will it take too much time away from studying? Lots of choices and decisions to make and I'm historically not good at decisions.
So what do I do? Leave the house a mess? That's what I usually do but how much clutter and dirt can a person stand! Don't do the dishes? Well, I hate bugs so that doesn't seem like an option. Let the school work go by the wayside? Not if I want calm, compliant students who need a routine. Sometimes I think life would be so much easier if we just had money--money to pay for a house cleaner, money to send the kids to a one day school, money to eat out all the time, etc, etc, etc.
But you know what? Doing all those things together as a family is part of our core values. Having meals together, cooking together, teaching the kids how to clean up after themselves, being responsible for our own stuff, teaching the kids our beliefs and being together as a family.
So I guess, we will just keep plugging away realizing that we are doing the best we can. Trusting that what needs to get done will. Being grateful that we have this opportunity to home school. It's time for me to get off the computer and do laundry, clean up after breakfast, take baths, do school work and vacuum!
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