So, for the last 5 months my family and I have been on an adventure regarding the food we eat. Inspired by the desire to help our kids, we embarked on a journey hoping to get some answers to some nagging questions.
We started by eliminating possible allergens.
No: sugar, eggs, dairy, wheat (gluten), soy, citrus, apples, peanuts (a few of us went off all nuts), chocolate, tomatoes, corn, legumes (we did eat green beans), yeast, gums, all foods ending in "ite" and "ate"
You might ask, "What did you eat?". Well, a lot of rice, potatoes, oats, fruit and vegetables. Our regular lunch was sunflower seed butter and rice cakes! It was quite difficult--just ask the kids! You would be amazed (I know I was) at what is in the food we eat and the supposedly healthy food we eat. Sugar is salad dressing, lunch meat, bread, bacon, etc. And soy, wow! Soy is in cereal, rice mixes, marinades, granola bars and of course, Asian food! The first month we never ate out.
I was THRILLED! This was supposed to be about the kids but I was OVERJOYED! I have never felt better! Or at least for a very long time. And originally I was quite nervous. You see, I was diagnosed almost 25 years ago as having Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I battled with horribly painful spasms in my stomach and serious issues with bowels. If I ate a salad like a chef's salad, I would be in the bathroom before we finished doing the dishes. If I ate something like chili, same thing.
But by eliminating all the possible allergens I was not having any cramping or spasms or pain. I was actually having regular bowel movements--I know TMI! But it was true. More honesty here--I had been praying to God about my stomach issues and been telling him that I would be happy if only I would have daily bowel movements. That is how desperate I was.
The next step was to tryout, one at a time, the foods we had eliminated. A difficult process because you try it one day and then wait 3 more days to see how it interacts with your system. With some items I knew within a half an hour. With others it took several hours up to days. My oldest has had the hardest time of the kids--no more dairy, egg, almonds, or peanuts for her. The middle child keeps denying any problems. My son has no issues (just like his dad) except what we already knew-he gets eczema from eating too much soy products. I still have many foods to try. I don't want to mess with a good thing. I have not been feeling as great these days. It's hard to eat limited foods for 5 months. BUT, I would not trade this for the world. My quality of life is so much better. And all because I became willing to do something different.
Thank you God for willingness. Thank you God for the mercy. Thank you God for the awareness.